Saturday, April 23, 2011

My Last Weekend Down Under!

Wow time has really gone by fast! Lennox Head has truly become my home away from home. I wouldn't mind finding sand from this beach everyday for the rest of my life. This was my last weekend in the land of OZ and I will never forget it...this entire trip has been such a blessing to me.

Thursday we had a lot going on and was a very hectic day but was also a very fun day. After my very last class of the semester (World Literature) we all played volleyball. . .cabin against cabin!


Cabin 8 against Cabin 7


We had out big going away/end of the year party with all of our local Aussies invited on Thursday night. There were a lot of awards handed out and gifts for all of our professors. I got the awards for most improved volleyball player! and also an award for surviving a snake encounter. . .not so funny. We also got t-shirts and of course FOOD! We had sausage, steak, chicken, and kangaroo. Along with some side dishes. For desert we had Tim Tams...of course...and cake. It was a well put together event from our even management class.

Our BSU Australia 2011 Shirts

Everyone here has become like family to me

I wont ever forget them!

Our professor, his wife, and our graduate assistant did a presentation to say goodbye to us. . .and oh what a presentation it was! They picked out one thing about each person whether you were short, had a drunk night, or just has an embarrassing moment and "gave us a present" (theoretical...we didn't really get the present). One girls got a stool to help her reach things because she is short, another got a little black book to keep all of her social interactions in line. The presentation made everyone laugh and no one was offended. One of the guys got skype minutes so he can skype his girlfriend instead of go fishing more, another person got double sided sticky tape to keep her bathing suit top on, there was aloe given to the excessively burn people, a compass to one girl who got lost while drunk, motion sickness medicine for people who threw up on trips, and mobile minutes for those who always called home. It was a pretty funny presentation that brought all of the unfortunate events that happened on the trip to light.

Going out to the Pub!
Supermodel pose from Carlo!

After the party we all headed to the pub for a few drinks, dancing, and music of course!

Lennox Head Pub 2011

Friday was spent laying out in the sun and enjoying our last few days here. I finished my World Literature paper in the morning and am now officially done with school for the semester. I also did lots of laundry, and started to pack my suitcase...and it is very hard because I don't want to leave.

In the afternoon we all went sailing on the lake :)
Our group was the example group haha

Muscle Pose

#1 Sail Boat Group!

the evening was ended with a bonfire on the beach!
On our last day here in Australia...Saturday...we had a bunch of cleaning supplies brought to camp along with a dumpster! Cleaning out the cabins day and finishing to pack. After we finished cleaning I went out to the beach for one last look at the ocean and to relax a little in the sun.

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