Saturday, March 19, 2011

*~Spring Break 2011 Part 2~*

On Wednesday we all slept in after being exhausted from our three day outback adventure! When I woke up around 7:30am and headed to get my free breakfast at our hostel along with some Internet time. Around 10:30am we boarded Toddy’s shuttle and were on our way to the airport all over again. Once we arrived at the airport we got our boarding passes and headed through security where I was taken aside for an explosive test…apparently I look like a bomb threat.

Our first flight to Adelaide was only an hour and forty min long but we got another free lunch, which helps us save some money! We had about three hours in between flights to relax, read, and hit the bathrooms before our next flight to Kingscote on Kangaroo Island.

Chilling out at the airport...stealing Internet :)

When it was finally time to board the plane we were confronted by the receptionist and told we were allowed to board. This was interesting because they personally came up to us instead of announcing it. When we reached the counter we were informed that we were the ONLY ones of the flight! I asked again if we were the only ones on the flight and the receptionist said “no, I’m joking darling. Do you see anyone else around you?” We all started to laugh and then followed the second in command pilot our to the runway to board the plane.

our private airplane

We were assigned to sit in the middle of the plane to keep it balances…I didn’t know a small amount of people…such as four…could disturb the balance of a whole plane!  None the less, the flight was only 20 min long and after we got to meet the pilot and see the cockpit! It was such a fun flight and when we unloaded the plane we saw that Kingscote airport is about the size of a house. Talk about tiny…the town is even small! They don’t have any public transportation. You wither rent a car (which we cannot do under the BSU contract we signed), have a private driver the whole time, or go on tours while visiting.

literally...the only four on the plane haha

first view of Kangaroo Island!

landing at sunset
talking with the captain
Kangaroo Island airport

A coach bus that was at the airport took us to a hostel in town that turned out to be pretty sweet. It wasn’t a YHA like we expected but the old man who runs the place was beyond nice! The hostel looks more like a college kid’s house. There was a huge kitchen and living room for everyone to use and then a hallway with rooms full of bunk beds and two bathrooms. The owner didn’t even make us pay up front since we all had to go to the ATM and get cash for him. What a trusting man.
our hostel

:) being silly

living room and kitchen in the hostel

After settling into our room we decided to go on a night walk to find penguins. It was a cheap tour and we went with other people staying in the hostel. It was pretty cool to see the penguins wondering around but also to learn about them. We couldn’t take pictures with a flash on because the light hurts the penguin’s eyes and makes them disorientated for quite some time so instead the guide used a large spotlight with a red tint. This type of light does not hurt the penguin’s eyes and helps us see them better and take pictures.

most of the little penguins would hide in their houses or just stick their little noses out of the holes...but this little guy was loving the camera!

On Thursday we all woke up around 8am to head off to the grocery store and get food for breakfast. A loaf of bread, peanut butter, and jelly is our meal plan for breakfast, lunch, and dinner while we are here to save money! After we had breakfast it was time to go to sea link…a local tourist information center. Here we booked a tour of the island for Friday. Then we decided to go to the local library and use the free Internet for about 20 min before walking the town. 


everything was on Murray street!

board walk

As soon as we finished eating lunch we headed off to a honey center. Here we got to taste test all the honeys that are made on the Island! They were quite delicious.

bee hive!

trying all the yummy honey!

After the Honey tasting we decided to play at the park for a bit to waste some energy!

Later on we took a hike to a historical site on the island. It was where the English settlers first landed on Kangaroo Island. There were lots of signs that had historical information on them and different places to see such as, a prayer area, mulberry tree from the first colony, the first well of fresh water, post office, and much more. We also walked out to the very tip of the point that is underwater when the tide gets high. Along the way I stepped in some sinking mud and further ruined my tennis shoes (as if the outback adventure didn’t do the trick!).

walking to the point

picking up sea shells

yucky mud tried to eat me!

my footprints in the swallowing mud

the point where the first English settlers landed in Australia

Our first full day on the island was a success! We were all exhausted and ready to relax and head to bed early to be refreshed for our Island tour in the morning!

Friday was an amazing day on Kangaroo Island! We woke up at 8:30am and got picked up for the Kangaroo Island highlights tour at 9:15. For breakfast we finished up out loaf of bread, peanut butter, and jelly. This cheap food idea saved us a lot of money on the trip while still giving us the energy to make it through the day!
Our first stop along the tour was an emu ridge farm. Here they sell eucalyptus oils and emu oils as well. It is the only commercial eucalyptus distillery in South Australia. At the shop we watched a short film on how the oil is extracted from the eucalyptus plant and turned into the product they sell. Surprisingly it was a pretty simple process! My favorite part of this stop was the baby kangaroo they had living in the shop. Her name was Celine and was an orphaned kangaroo that was found after her mother was hit by a car and killed. Celine survived the hit while still in her mother’s pouch!  After some time she was nursed back to health and now lives a healthy life in the shop interacting with all the customers!

baby kangaroo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next on the tour was Seal Bay! This is home to the Australian Sea lion and the second largest breeding colony for the sea lion in Australia. Once we arrived at the conservation Park we were greeted and taken by an interpretive office to the beach. Because sea lions can become aggressive when they feel threatened we were instructed to keep a distance of at least six meters at all times. The sea lions had just come back from. Three month journey the sea lions had just returned from a three month journey out at sea and were now spending three months sleeping and recuperating for their next three month food journey.

By this time in the day everyone was extremely hungry: we stopped in Vivonne Bay at a small Bistro where they had an all you can eat buffet with desert. The two course lunch included a salad bar, sausage, BBQ chicken, and an apple crumble desert.
Directly following lunch we attended an Australian birds of prey presentation. At the presentation we got to see falcons, an owl, kookaburras and an eagle demonstrate their natural skills. The falcon showed us how it outsmarts its pray, the owl hopped from one person to another getting a treat afterwards, and the eagle showed us how strong they are by eating a rabbit…bones and all! My favorite one was the kookaburras because we had the opportunity to hold them! All we had to do was put on a glove and hold out our arm and they landed on our hands! Mine kept making noises and even got a treat while sitting on my arm…it was pretty exciting!



ahh he flew right to my arm!

eagle eating a rabit leg...yuck

When the bird presentation was finished we were on our way to Flinders Chase National Park. While driving through the park we got to see amazing views of all the unique trees and wildlife that inhabit the area. This park is the largest and earliest conservation parks in Australia! They views were magnificent!
Right after we drove through the park we stopped at the Remarkable Rocks. These are a cluster of huge boulders made of granite that are constantly being sculpted by the intense winds and waves. They sit on a large and steep granite dome that is rising from the ocean! We were warned about where to step and what places to avoid because a few people have died at this site trying to get pictures of the rocks and being blown off the edge by the intense winds.

My favorite part of the trip was visiting Cape du Couedic Lighthouse and Admirals Arch! The lighthouse was built in 1906 and has nearby cottages that use to house the keepers of the lighthouse and their families.

A short, steep, and windy walk away from the lighthouse was Admirals Arch. This arch was formed by erosion from the harsh pounding ocean waves.

This area is also a breeding ground for the New Zealand Fur Seals! We saw them playing in the waves, sleeping, feeding, and climbing up the rocks! It was quite an amazing sight and place to see!
New Zealand Fur Seals!
This was the end of our tour and we all loaded the coach and made a quick stop the visitor’s center and then the airport. Here we waited for our flight to Adelaide!
Once in Adelaide we got a taxi and found a hostel to stay in for the night. The hostel we found was cheap…and once we checked in we knew why! The room was the size of a closet…the four of us could only fit in the room if two people were in a bed…the sheets were stained, the fan was the only source of ac…until the middle of the night when the room turned into an icebox, the lights on the beds didn’t work, the closet doors were nailed to the wall, and the power cords disappeared into other rooms through holes in the wall! Despite the not so fun sleeping situation…we only had one night to stay here and would be up at 5am to catch another taxi back to the airport.
we were all a little angry with the hostel...

it sucked!

but we were happy to be on our way home...and our SB 2011 was AMAZING!!!!!!
Waking up at 5 on Saturday morning and running on four hours of sleep was rough! We met our taxi at 5:30am and off to the airport we went…caught our first flight to Sydney and were officially on our way home. The flight was a little bumpy due to some bad weather but we landed safely in Sydney and had three hours to waste before our last flight into Ballina. going through security I was pulled aside again for an explosive bear looked suspicious I guess (he got a lot of attention at the airports)....then we sat at our gate and had some food, blogged, and slept!

The flight into Ballina was a bumpy ride! Due to some storms we hit a few rough patches but the flight was a little over an hour. I am pretty sure the flight attendant didn't like me as well...I asked if we got food and she made it clear you had to pay for it so i broke out all my snacks and had a little plane picnic! Once we landed we jumped on the city bus back to Lennox Head where we had to walk with all of our luggage back to the cabins...but it sure does feel good to be home!!! :)