Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm not a hipster but I flip it like a super pimpster!

My first World Literature class was interesting to say the least. My professor seemed a little on the odd side, but is a pretty funny guy. His idea of an American greeting was "I'm not a hipster but I flip it like a super pimpster" haha, I'm pretty sure he was least I hope so. Another thing that is different here is the grading scales. In America we go by A, B, C, D, F (A being the best grade and F being to worst...of course) however, in Australia they go HD, D, C, P ,F (and here a C is a high our teacher basically told us we had no chance of getting an HD ( our A) and had to work EXTRA hard to get a D ( our B)...its nearly one in the last class got above a C...not cool!

After class I headed to the beach for a bit and then the lake to cool off from to 90 degree weather! After all of that I did the P90X Ab Ripper workout with a group of girls! It wasn't as hard as I expected it to be...but we will see how I feel in the morning :) We have a few people who are personal trainers and are studying physical conditioning in the group. These individuals are organizing a workout routine in order to get and keep us in shape while we are in the land down unda! I cannot wait to get started...working out and staying fit has and always will be important to me and it makes it more exciting to do it on the beach!

This weekend will be spent going to Byron Bay and on Sunday heading to Nimbin! Where we will be picked up in a Hippie van and taken to the waterfall again and then to Nimbin NSW where we can shop in hippie stores and explore the town!

Loving Life Down Unda!