Sunday, April 24, 2011

As one dream ends another begins!

This morning I left Australia for the first time in three months! My alarm didn't go off in the morning and my entire cabin over slept. By the time we did wake up we had about ten minutes to load the bus, clean out the fridge, and pack any odds and ends that we still needed. The morning was a little hectic to say the least but no worries we stayed calm and got stuff done in no time and off we were!...I miss my home in Lennox Head already but I am ready for my next adventure to begin. We landed in New Zealand around 5:25pm NZ time and after getting through immigration and customs (with just a few bumps) we are settling into our airport chairs for the night! Our first night here we are staying the night at the airport and picking up our camper van in the morning. Thank goodness they have showers here so we can wash up and head off for a week worth of adventure in this amazing place. We don't have much of a plan but playing it by ear is what makes it more exciting! The only plans we have are to ice climb on the 28th and sky diving on the 29th and catch a plane back to Auckland on the 30th...then its back to the States. But in between there we are learning how to drive on the opposite side of the road, sleeping in a van, exploring the North and South islands, and soaking up every minute of this amazing journey. Can't wait to share more of this trip with everyone but until then HAPPY EASTER!!!