Monday, April 11, 2011

Our Last Group Trip

Before I start talking about my weekend trip to Brisbane I would like to talk about two very important family members that will forever live in the hearts of many.

Livingston and Pasha have been the family dogs, brothers, and babies ever since I can remember. I grew up with them and it didn't take long before I fell in love! They have traveled all over the United States and Canada...they have been on every family vacation with us. They have been the highlight of every walk in the park, trip to the bank, and ice cream outing. They have been cuddled with, babied, and pampered since the day they came into our lives and we wouldn't have changed any of it for the world.

Livingston was the oldest of the two and he came into our lives on Mothers Day, May 1997 at just a year old! My very first memories of him were dressing him up in all of my baby dolls clothing. He was adorable and so tolerant! Livingston was a gorgeous dog that got a lot of attention out in public. He ran the house as the Alpha dog and let everyone know it! He looked out for Pasha but had some trouble adjusting to him in the beginning-I even wrote a book about it in second grade! He loved trips to the bank and ice cream runs that both ended in a treat with lots of attention...he was never shy! Livingston was also the runner of the family. He loved to run in the yard with us and go for walks in the park. Also...He was a licker...Licker Livvy! Everything and anything had tongue marks from Licker Livvy. He never failed to put a smile on my face and keep me company when I needed it the most. He passed away on September 21, 2009-just over a year ago. Today I am at peace with his death. I know that he lived a great doggy life full of love. He was very well taken care of and always spoiled. ~To Live in the hearts we leave behind, Is not to die. Livingston will never die because he will forever live in our hearts. I love you Livingston!

The boys as babies...Pasha on the top stair and Livingston on the lower stair
He loved to be snuggled on the bed in the front room looking out over the front yard...with his blanky of course
I Love You Livingston!!! You were a great doggy and will forever be in my heart <3

Pasha was the baby of the family. He came into our lives three days after Livvy's birthday on October 29, 1998 and was born on September 13, 1998. At this point I was in second grade. My first memory of him was the night he was brought home. I gave him a little pig beanie baby so he could cuddle with something his own size...we called him Buddy. As he got older his personality started to show through. He loved to be cuddled with and held like a real baby and when he was feeling really good he would suck on Buddy's head. He played dress up with me but complained about it a lot more than Livingston...Pasha never liked to wear clothes. He was a little more timid and shy around strangers but back at home he was ornery. He loved any kind of human food he could get his little paws on and always sat by the kitchen table and wined for us to share with him. He was my baby, he slept with me, and was always excited to see me when I came home from school. I found out about his death this weekend while in Brisbane...Friday April 8, 2011 was the exact date. He was a very sick puppy and couldn't hold on before I made it home. As hard as it is to lose him and not be able to be there...I know that he is in good hands. He now gets to run around, pain free, with Livingston in heaven.~Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, but Love leaves a memory no one can steal. The memories of Pasha will forever live in my heart.

Pasha as a baby..sucking on Buddy's head-his favorite pass time :)

My real life Baby!

My favorite pass time is sleeping with my Pasha...I loved how he sucked on my blankets just like it was a big buddy!
My two favorite babies! Forever in the hearts of many

These dogs were a huge part of my life and my family. They will always be remembered in a positive light. I Love and Miss You both!!!

Over the weekend we went on our final group trip to Brisbane!

On Friday we loaded the coach at 7am and headed off for Brisbane. After a 3 hour bus ride we made it to the John Deer factory for a presentation. This was mainly for the marketing class but the rest of us got to sit in on it as well. It was a very long presentation but turned out to be quite educational and interesting.

After that we took a small tour of the city...all on our coach...and then checked into our hotel. The hotel was...well...a closet. There were three to a room and this time we didn't room with our cabin mates. The air conditioning only turned on when you put and kept your key in the wall and bathroom wasn't even big enough to turn around in! But despite the rooms being small the hotel staff was very nice and accommodating to our group of 30+
Just enough room to turn around in here...try having three girls in one was crowded! could basically sit on the toilet and take a shower...its that small
In the evening we were taken to Scream world! It wasn't a huge amusement park but it gave us something to do for the night and ended in an amazing lights show along with some dancing.
Dreamworld during the day...Scream world at night
Lights Show

Waiting in line for the rides :)

We ended the night dancing as a group!
On Saturday we woke up early again and headed off to the Australian Zoo...this was the highlight of my weekend. The zoo is also known as the Steve Irwin Zoo. We got to see and do a lot here but because there is so much to say about it I'm just going to show some pictures.

Steve Irwin Zoo

Irwin Family foot and hand prints

You are never to old to ride the tea cup rides at the zoo :)

Sooo Cute!

Kisses from the Tigers!

Feeding an Elephant!!!

Ganesh is everywhere here

After the zoo the group went out to the clubs to experience the night life of Brisbane. I on the other hand got the luxury of meeting up with some distant relatives! My Papa's cousins, Rex and Jean. It was great to have a home cooked dinner. I had a great visit and appreciate their hospitality.

~Thank You Rex and Jean for having me to your home!

On Sunday we headed off to the Brisbane markets and then to the Gold Coast. The entire day was spent shopping! I was exhausted by the end of the day and slept all the way back Lennox Head that is.

Walkway to the markets

Brisbane Market

Brisbane is a beautiful city! After the market we walked back to the bus on the canal :)

Pool in the city!

Gold Coast!

Gold Coast beach

It is now only two weeks until we leave Australia for good...three more weeks until we are back in the States. As excited as I am to see all of my friends and family back home...I will miss this place a ton! It truly has been a dream come true for me!