Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Good Morning America and Good Night Australia

Its crazy how easy it is to call the cabin and Lennox Head home. It has already been a month since I have lived here and I still have another two months to go! This adventure has been everything I imagined and more :) I love the weekend trips, talking and meeting locals, and learning all about Australia. It surprises me that I don't miss being at home and I don't miss my cell phone! The distance however has gotten to me a little. As hard as it is for me to admit it...I miss being able to talk to my family and friends when I'm having a bad day or just want to talk...the 16 hour time difference makes talking a little hard but I love being able to share all of my experiences with everyone!

Tegan: I miss you and Hope you and Jesse had wonderful birthdays! Can't wait to skype again :)
Emily: Thanks for the package :) its always fun getting mail from people back at home! We need to skype sometime!!

Jeff: I love that you distract me from doing my homework while your pulling an all nighter...I miss climbing with you!!!
Alex: I appreciate all that you do for me despite the distance...even when we cant talk for days you still put a smile on my face...a thousand miles apart and you still cant separate us! I love it!
Erik: We talk a lot more than I expected and Im thankful for it...even when im far away you know when I need to talk...I hope your vacation is going great and I cannot wait to skype you after my SB!

Kindall: ahhhhh we r gonna be roomies when I get home :) and we need a skype date soon...I also need an update...I feel lost with out you comming into my room everynight with updates
Laura: Roomies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you better be getting excited :P

Danielle: I am going to say thank you in advance for the care package! haha and for the night out before I left :) We need to skype sooon...fb messages are not cuttin it :P
Sorry I couldnt mention everyone...I only have so much time to upload pictures lol but there are so many of you that mean the world to me...and I appreciate everyone who has stayed in contact with me since I have been gone :)

On another note, I am very excited about Spring Break!!! I am leaving on Friday and coming back on Saturday. Our trip starts out in Alice Springs touring Uluru (Ayers Rock) on a three day and two night camping/outback adventure! Then a day in Alice Springs seeing the town and resting up for the next leg of the trip. Next up is Kangaroo Island. We are playing this part of the trip by ear but we have a few ideas of what we want to do that just depends on time and money. All of our flights and hostels are booked, except for our hostel in Kangaroo Island because we might be traveling to different areas of the island throughout our stay. I wanted to go all out on Spring Break because I want to get the most out of my stay here. Sydney, Uluru, and the Great Barrier Reef are the top three places I want to experience while I'm here and I will be happy if those are the only trips I do. I am not sure if I will be scuba diving or snorkeling in Cains yet...It will depend on how expensive each trip would cost.

After Spring Break my wild life biology class starts. The second half of the semester is going to get a little more challenging, with seven books to read over the course of our three month can imagine how much time we all spend reading. Also I have a presentation in both world lit and my Australian life and Culture class. I will have no choice but to buckle down on some homework when I return.

Also we have been playing volleyball to keep everyone active in the group and this past week my team made it to the championship! I can't say that I am the best volleyball player but I try my best and I'm getting better :)
My team :)...this was our second volleyball tournament but my last team lost in the first round
Surving is the one thing I do fairly well
:) But I had a great time playing...even if i'm not the best its still fun to play!

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