Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day from the Land Down Unda!

My valentines Day Flowers!!!

Thank you Alex Basham for surprising me!
Valentines Day is a day not only for couples but for all loved ones. I think we should all be thankful for the loved ones we have in our life and take today to tell them how important they are to us. We live in a busy and stressful world where we take advantage and often times forget how lucky we are. Not everyone in the world has a mother who loves them, a father who is proud of them, grandparents who support them, siblings who pick on them, aunts and uncles to visit, cousins to play with, and friends who love them. So I would like to thank all of my family and friends for loving me unconditionally and being there for me through the best of times and the worst! I am very thankful that I can share my journey with all of you :)

On another note...Today was pretty interesting...In class we learned about the Indigenous Australians and some more history of the land. After class we headed out for out field trip. First we stopped in town (Lennox Head) to visit an Aboriginal Area. The sight was used for ceremonies for the initiation of boys into the Bundjalung tribe. The area of Lennox Head was once called the Bundjalung area when Australia was organized into kinship's instead of states.

The ground is slightly caved in, this is because the aboriginal people could sit along the edges and watch the people in the middle. There was also trails that lead to other areas like this one that all had different uses. Some were for the men and others for the women.
 After visiting the land and learning a little about the Aboriginal people we headed off to a Naval Museum. Here we learned about how the Europeans come to Australia and the impact they had on the land. We also got to walk around and read all about the wars from the Australians view. It was full of miniature naval ships and other artifacts from the different wars.

Steering the ship!

Australian Navy Flag

HUGE torpedo

The walls were covered in war memorabilia and each war was labeled :)

Some medals from various wars

I liked this newspaper headline! There was a whole table full of newspaper articles about various wars

Diesel Engine

Scuba Diving Suit

Scuba Gear

Next we loaded the bus and went to the Thursday Plantation to learn about the medicinal tea tree oil! Once we arrived we watched a short film on the history and production of tea tree oil products. Then we got to use free testers of tea tree lotion, face wash, lip balm, and much more. There were plenty of products to buy and some good sales! I got a few things for myself as well as some gifts.

SOOOOOO much tea tree stuff

Some of the tea tree products I got :)

Outside of the plantation there was a maze. (I got lost with the professors daughter...and it was super hot outside..and on top of that the entire bus was waiting on us to leave lol) There was also a lot of art work and some trails in the surrounding area.

Shoes between wooden planks...I though it looked pretty cool

Little kids!!!
 The last place we went on our Field trip was the Byron Bay light house! It was a beautiful view! We could see for miles out to see, Julian Rocks (where we dove), sharks and turtles in the waters below, and we stood on the most Easterly part of the Australian mainland!

The light house at Byron Bay

The BSU Group on our Field Trip!

Most Easterly Point of Australia!

The light house was beautiful and the views were phenomenal!

You could see Julian Rocks where we dove from the light house!

As we looked down at the water we could see small sharks swimming and sea turtles! These were the same kinds of sea creatures we saw while diving
 It was a long but exciting day and when we got back to camp we had a group breakfast for dinner...french toast, bacon, sausage, muffins, and backed cinnamon apples! It was delicious and we were all very hungry after all of the hiking and walking we did :)

Love with all of your Heart <3 

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